Fast Weight Loss…Can you really lose 60lbs in 30 days?

Written by adrian bryant

Continued from page 1

But if you want to lose weight for good, look your best, & keep your metabolism burning at a steady rate… You got to lose weight at a much slower rate.

You want to try to lose no more than 2lbs a week or 3lbs atrepparttar most when you want to lose weight permanently. Usually when you lose anything over 2lbs a week you are only losing water and muscle weight which again has no effect on long-term weight loss or significantly improvingrepparttar 138423 way you look.

Losing 2lbs a week is a lot simpler than trying to lose 10lbs a week. One ofrepparttar 138424 things you can do to start losing 2lbs a week is to substitute higher calorie foods you eat with lower calorie foods.

For example a simple trick that I have most of my clients do is to replace allrepparttar 138425 sodas and juices they drink with water. The drinking water trick is taken very lightly by a lot of people---but many of my clients tell me that they see a difference in their weight after drinking only water for a couple of weeks.

The other thing you can do is to increase your daily physically activity. This doesn’t mean that you have to start signing up for marathons regularly. To gradually increase your physical activity you can--

* Park inrepparttar 138426 back of parking lots so you have to walk more to your destination * You can takerepparttar 138427 stairs instead ofrepparttar 138428 elevator—it doesn’t have to be allrepparttar 138429 flights…walk some flights and takerepparttar 138430 elevatorrepparttar 138431 rest ofrepparttar 138432 way. * Play golf or play with your kids everyday

The point is to just do something…It doesn’t have to a lot at first but after about a couple weeks start to take 20-30minitue walks inrepparttar 138433 park or ride a bicycle everyday.

Long-term weight loss doesn’t happen in 60 days or overnight… it happens inrepparttar 138434 Long-term. Just remember thatrepparttar 138435 next time you see a weight loss ad that promises you unbelievable results.

Adrian Bryant has helped many people reach their fitness goals in his 10+ years of personal training. Adrian holds a B.S. degree in Exercise science from Longwood University. Adrian continues to help people lose weight with his web site

How to get rid of your belly fat or pooch

Written by adrian bryant

Continued from page 1

You can increase your metabolism (burn more fat) if you do a total body muscle building routine. Include exercises for every body part that means your upper & lower body and your ABS

Quick Fix. You can instantly get rid of your pop belly or pooch by working on notrepparttar rectus abdominus (what you callrepparttar 138422 six pack or ABS) butrepparttar 138423 transverse abdominus (TVA).

When you suck in your belly you are actually working your transverse abdominus (TVA) muscle.

The reason why people have flat midsections is not because they have a strong rectus abdominus (or ABS) but because they have a strong transverse abdominus (TVA)

Overrepparttar 138424 years a combination of you losing strength in your TVA and a gain of fat around your midsection leads torepparttar 138425 pop belly or pooch effect.

The best way to work your TVA is to… 1. Place one of your fingers on your belly button 2. Without taking in a deep breath. Try to move your belly button inward as far away from your finger as you can 3. hold your belly button in for 5 seconds working your way up to a minute 4. Advanced: as your holding in your belly button—tightly squeeze your ABS

Another way to work your TVA is to… 1. Suck in your belly (without taking in a deep breath) 2. Tie a rope not too tightly around your midsection. 3. Every time you relax your TVA musclerepparttar 138426 rope will tighten up around your waist reminding you to tighten your TVA muscle

As you are doing these two TVA exercises do not hold your breath just breath normally.

Do not rely solely on these TVA exercises to get rid of your pop belly or pooch area. Remember—You still have to diet and exercise properly to get rid ofrepparttar 138427 fat around your midsection.

Here’s a quick summarized action plan to get rid of your pop belly or pooch 1. Eat six 350-400 calorie meals a day 2-3 hours apart 2. Walk (or do something) everyday for up to 1 hour a day 3. IF you are going to weight train—do exercises for every body part not just your ABS 4. Train your TVA

I guarantee that you will notice your midsection will get flatter week after week if you follow this plan—If you see any results just email me at and I will gladly offer any help I can.

Adrian Bryant has helped many people reach their fitness goals in his 10+ years of personal training. Adrian holds a B.S. degree in Exercise science from Longwood University. Adrian continues to help people lose weight with his web site

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